This article outlines the password policy requirements that BU Staff and BU Students are bound to you towards your standard BU Account (ie the account info that BU Students set up during ClaimID, or login info presented to BU Staff). 

Any passwords that you are entering or changing for your standard BU Account will only be accepted if they meet ALL of the following prerequisites: 

  • a minimum password length of at least 8 characters. 
    • (A minimum password length of 15 characters is needed for Staff/Faculty using 'DUO' Multi-Factor Authentication)
  • at least 1 uppercase letter
  • at least 1 lowercase letter
  • at least 1 numeric character
  • at least 1 symbol
  • it cannot contain any part of your full name or BU username
  • it cannot be a password you have used here before. (Unique)

Accepted characters in your BU Account password:

Letters (alpha characters) are:    Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz

Numeric characters are:   1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0

Symbols are     ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ – + = { } [ ] \ | : ; ” ‘ < > , . ? /


Several of the BU systems capable of changing your password will not inform you if your new password change does not meet these rules; the change process will give you a generic error or just simply fail. Please be sure to check all these requirements first to ensure when you are entering a new BU Account password it will be accepted.

More information can be found here regarding BU Accounts and Password info:  BU HelpDesk - Login and Passwords