To connect to BU_Secure:

  • Find the BU_Secure SSID listed in the available wireless networks and join it

You can see the below screenshot what to select 

Identity Please enter your BUUserName

Password Please enter your BU-Password

CA Certificate Please select Trust on First use

And Click on Connect

If you have more options than the above pictures someting like below 

EAP method Please select PEAP

Phase 2 authentication Please select MSCHAPV2

CA Certificate Please select Trust on First use 

Identity Please enter your BUUserName

Anonymous identity  Please enter again your BUUserName

Password Please enter your BU-Password

And Click on Connect

Some older Android devices (eg Andoid 10) may require you to select "Don't validate" in order to connect.

Identity Please enter your BUUserName

Password Please enter your BU-Password

CA Certificate Please select Don't Validate

And Click on Connect

If you are having issues with any of these steps please visit or contact the BU HelpDesk located on the main floor of the John E. Robbins Library, email at, or call 204-571-8500.